Friday, 12 August 2016

Five reasons the brain is more idiot than super computer

A woman screams with excitement during a sky dive.Dr Burnett is a prolific science blogger and also an author. And the name of his first book — The Idiot Brain — has raised some eyebrows.
"When you see people discuss the brain in the mainstream, it's almost like you're not allowed to criticise it or to point out the things it doesn't do very well," Dr Burnett said. "And I don't think that's a helpful attitude."
Just to be clear, he's not calling everyone with a brain an idiot.
"That's something I've been accused of," he jokes.
Dr Burnett says his main aim was to highlight the fact that from a rational perspective, brains can be illogical, inefficient and sometimes just plain weird.

"It's obviously one of the most complex things in the known universe that we are aware of," he said. "But it isn't perfect … It has a lot of flaws and tics and issues and bugs."
So why then, is the brain so idiotic?

1. Its memory is unreliable

In the past, human memory has been likened to the memory stored in our computers.
"A lot of neuroscientists find it slightly grating — the whole analogy that the brain is like a computer," Dr Burnett said.
Although he understands where the comparison comes from, Dr Burnett says the brain really isn’t much like a computer at all.
"It doesn't have regimented and very dedicated logical setups for storing information," he said. "It's far more flexible, far more organic, far more variable."
The human brain does store information — and memory plays a huge role in helping us function on a day-to-day basis.
"But it's a lot less reliable, a lot less fixed than people would assume. Every time you retrieve a memory it becomes tweaked in some sort of way," Dr Burnett said.
He uses the example of someone thinking back to a time they did something impressive and then telling a friend about the experience.
"You tell someone and you sort of embellish it slightly to make yourself seem better again, and that sort of changes the actual memory itself," he said.
"Slowly but surely, you start to remember it differently to what happened … and if they say that often enough, they will start to believe it."
According to Dr Burnett, the brain can also edit memories to make us feel better about ourselves.
"So if we chose something at random and it turned out to be a good choice, we'll remember doing it on purpose, thinking 'I did that because I'm smart and clever' and this sort of thing," he said.

2. It overrides our biological instincts

The brain can also make us do things that are against our basic instincts.
"The obvious example would be in terms of diet and eating," Dr Burnett said. "When you think about it logically, food is obviously essential, it is something we need, it's something we require to just survive on a day-to-day basis, and we have a very sophisticated digestive system to regulate our food intake."
We actually have a very complex nervous system in the stomach.
"So much so it's actually referred to as a second brain sometimes — the enteric nervous system … it's a wholly dedicated and evolved system to monitor our food intake," Dr Burnett said.
But as soon as the brain gets involved, it messes everything up.
"The example I always go down is that if you've had a massive meal and you are sitting there groaning from how full you are … then the waiter comes along with a desert menu and you say, 'Oh yes, I'll have a desert as well!'."

3. It makes us afraid …

Over millions of years the human brain has evolved to be become super sensitive to danger, Dr Burnett says.
"Any creature which isn't conscious of threats or dangers doesn't last very long, unless they breed copiously," he said. "So we have a highly evolved and very sensitive threat detection system in the brain."
But the modern world isn't the same as the one faced by our prehistoric ancestors, who would have relied heavily on this threat detection system.
"We've tamed our environment a lot. You can walk the streets now without worrying about wolves or things falling from trees. But we still have these threat detection systems embedded deep in the brain," he said.
"And we have attention mechanisms that instinctively focus on things, which could feasibly be a threat or anything unusual. So we still have all that going on, despite the fact we live in a much safer environment now."
The problem is this threat detection system can backfire.
"People can be genuinely afraid of physically harmless things that might not occur at all — it's just the mere possibility of it," he said.
He uses the example of a business person working during a recession.
"If your company is not doing very well, or if there is a recession going on, people are very afraid of losing their job," he said.
"That doesn't mean any physical harm will come to you, losing your job doesn't mean you get beaten up or anything — there is no violence involved … also it might never happen. [But] people can be genuinely afraid of physically harmless things that might not occur at all, it's just the mere possibility of it."

4. But it loves to be afraid

So if we have these overactive threat detection systems — why do humans seek out terrifying experiences, like skydiving?
Dr Burnett says the brain's inbuilt reward system has something to do with it.
"When the brain recognises we've done something which it likes … it's a really, really positive, lovely experience — even if it's just [drinking] water, if you are really parched," he said.
Similarly, we also get a kick out of certain chemicals when we feel we've had a very productive day.
"There's a reward pathway, the mesolimbic reward pathway, which triggers the pleasure response," Dr Burnett said.
The same reward system kicks in when we do something very scary — like parachuting or a bungee jump.
"That triggers off all the adrenaline systems, all the fear, all the intense experiences associated with that sort of thing," he said.
"But then we are on the ground again, we're fine, so the brain reads that as, 'okay, that was terrifying — but you're not dead, so whatever you did, good … have some pleasure reward'. And then you get a serious buzz as a result."

5. It makes us desperate to be liked by others

In the same way our brains have evolved a sophisticated threat detection system, we've also evolved so that large portions of our brains are dedicated to engaging with others.
And this can give rise to some very bizarre behaviours and outcomes.
"Humans evolved in communities, like in tribes … and that has been our strength. We are not the biggest primate, not the strongest primate, not the fastest — but we are technically the friendliest," Dr Burnett said.
"[When] being part of a community is important to your survival, then that becomes ingrained to the point where we have evolved a tendency to be very aware and recognise how other people regard us, and how well we are thought of … If everyone rejects you, you have to leave the community, then you are out in the wild on your own and you are going to die."
Dr Burnett says this is why people's opinion of us is so important.
"And it leads to some very strange manifestations — we can be very, very afraid of criticism because when someone criticises us and we see that as a potential threat: they know flaws about me; they might tell others. They never physically wound you, but it can be psychologically very upsetting and cause you to dwell on things," he said.
This need for approval also means that at times, we can be very easily influenced by others.
"Because we want other people's good opinion of us, we want to be well thought of … people can and do exploit this tendency in others," Dr Burnett said.
"A car salesman would be an obvious example. They'll say things like, 'well, I can sell it to you for less but it's really going to take out of my pocket'. Then you feel bad about asking them for a good deal."

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