Thursday, 20 September 2018

The Hidden Fact About Diabetes

Image result for diabetes
What I want to discuss is a serious issue that a lot of people do not know. This presentation is  on *Diabetes*and  is going to be a huge eye opener.
So, please if you know anyone who is currently managing diabetes you can let them have asses to these informations* is going to be mind blowing and the information here will help you a lot.

So, please if you know anyone who is currently managing diabetes you can let them have asses to these informations
. We are going to be discussing the hidden facts about the dangers of diabetes medications. After her  dad lost his limb to this terrible disease(Diabetes) in 2012, my colleague  and I have carried out series of research on the above subject matter as it relates to Type 2 diabetes.
The discoveries have been overwhelming and most importantly, it has saved so many folks out there from the many complications of diabetes.
Although diabetes medications may seem to be effective in lowering blood sugar, most are no more than a Band-Aid Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes.Cosmetic  approach*
Diabetes medications lower glucose levels but actually do nothing to address the underlying condition. Plus, diabetes medications have serious side effects.
If you haven’t heard about the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) study, permit me to tell you about it—because it sums up nicely just how dangerous many blood sugar–lowering diabetes medications are.
 This large, government-funded trial in UK, was designed to evaluate the effectiveness of various medication regimens for reducing heart attacks, strokes and death from heart disease in patients with type 2 diabetes.
One arm of the study was specifically set up to test the widely held assumption that more aggressive lowering of blood sugar would provide greater protection against heart disease.
However, in February 2008, that arm of ACCORD was abruptly shut down because it found just the opposite was true.
Study participants who were on the most intensive drug regimens aimed at driving down blood sugar had a much *higher cardiovascular death rate
Researchers have Known About the Dangers of Diabetes Medications for More Than 40 Years but covered it up... The news about ACCORD was not surprising, considering researchers have known about the fatal complications of diabetes medications since 1969—when results of the University Group Diabetes Program were made public  Just like ACCORD, this study had to be stopped two years early because participants who were taking diabetes medications had a 250 to 300 percent higher death rate than those taking the placebo. I'd like to give you this framework of knowledge that you can use to begin your path to health today".
 Please watch this video for a moment:
*Phenformin/metformin* *(Glucophage)* One of the two drugs used in the 1969 study, DBI (phenformin), was shown to be so deadly that it was taken off the market. Yet this drug’s close cousin, metformin (Glucophage) is the most popular diabetes medication used today and was the most frequently used drug in the ACCORD study. Taking metformin puts one at risk for a *B12 deficiency.* According to some studies, between 10% and 30% of people who take metformin on a regular basis have some evidence of decreased B12 absorption. The study found that the longer a person had been taking metformin...the greater his risk of developing B12 deficiency.
*Sulfonylureas*. The other drug used in the 1969 study, Orinase (tolbutamide), was ultimately tattooed with a black-box warning stating that it dramatically increases death from heart attack.
Orinase* belongs to a class of drugs known as sulfonylureas, which includes dozens of popular medications that are still in use today, and the same black-box warning has appeared on all sulfonylureas since 1984.
Thiazolidinediones (glitazones)*. Another class of diabetes medications, and the second-most widely used type of drugs by ACCORD participants, is thiazolidinediones (also called glitazones), the most notorious of which is Avandia.
Government experts in the US estimate that Avandia may have caused as many as 100,000 heart attacks since coming onto the market in 1999.
 The pharmaceutical industry shoulders much of the responsibility for why these drugs are still on the market.
These companies currently control the bulk of medical research, treatment guidelines, and physician “education.”
 And they are seriously feeding fat from the innocent victims From our research findings, we can tell you that you’d be better off with no diabetes treatment program at all than with these drugs.
 Diabetes almost killed my colleague  after claiming the limb of his dad to amputation some couple of years back despite being on medication. Survival instincts was what actually led us to researching diabetes and our efforts finally paid off as you will soon find out...
 Once again, taking diabetes medication that lowers your blood sugar may make you think you’re doing better, but these pills are clearly making you worse.
Just Take A Look At The Video below…they had all been on different medications...
 What you just saw in the video above is just one out of the many complications that may occur when diabetics make the mistake of relying on those dangerous diabetic medications for too long
You see, we now live in a world of *fast-changing* information and as a result, many people( including  Doctors)  are behind on medicines and therapeutic nutrition.  This is really affecting health.
 That is why when you visit most facilities, they still administer this dangerous pills.
 These drugs do not address the root cause of the problem but only help to mask the symptoms of diabetes.
Let me ask you a question and please be sincere:
If something goes wrong with your car engine and shows a red warning light on the dashboard (symptom of a faulty engine)- What would you do?*
 Would you fix the red warning light(symptoms) or the actual engine? Now what the conventional medicine does is treat the "red light" of diabetes without fixing the disease and that is why many diabetics keep loosing their limps to amputation and dying from diabetes complications every year.
 What we are trying to say here is that the only lasting solution to diabetes is by focusing on the root cause of the disease which is insulin resistance in this case. That is in the case of type 2
 This means-healing the damaged cells  that led to insulin resistance and consequently led to diabetes in the first instance.
 If the insulin resistance is reversed, the diabetes is is as simple as that! "Diabetes is not a disease of blood sugar, but a disease of INSULIN and perhaps more importantly leptin signaling  Which  means
Diabetes doesn't just happen.* *It is the direct result of a breakdown organ or system/process  inside the body*
Therefore, to reverse diabetes, your goal should be to restore your body into a healing mode so that it can generate enough insulin and use it effectively. Now the question do you do this*?
Big question
One thing we discovered that really blew our mind while researching with my colleague (we both finished from department of pharmacognosy).. is that The Creator already embedded certain healing powers within our bodies that only need triggers .
The best way to prevent, correct or reverse Diabetes is  a
 more *NATURAL* approach that fights the disease *"From The Inside"* and fixing the root causes of such disease.
By Now, You May Be Wondering What Is Meant By “Fighting Diseases From the Inside?” According to Dr. Jonas Salk (who developed the first successful polio vaccine), there are 2 approaches to fighting any illness:
1) From the outside:* By attacking the symptoms, germs or viruses directly with external means such as drugs and surgery (this is what most diabetes drugs like Metformin does. They treat your diabetes symptoms without healing your body itself, which is why you have to keep using it).
2) From the inside:* By triggering the miraculous healing power of your body’s own immune system because when it comes to healing, your body knows best. This way, your body is fully restored. (this is how he developed the successful polio vaccine).
 The TRUTH is we are all blessed with an incredibly powerful "internal pharmacy" that can make exactly the medicines you need in exactly the right dosage-and without any side effects whatsoever.
"This is The Best Way to Treat Stubborn Diseases And No Doctor Can Beat That... What your immune system only needs from you is an effective trigger to jump start it's healing process just as your car engine needs a tiny plug to unleash it's tremendous power.  Some of these triggers are often in form of body healing plants..Some are in form of nutrients with remarkable healing propertiesThese help to trigger your immune system and There is a remarkable  nutritive  vegetable that contains enzymes  which  stimulates  the  growth of new healthy cells and accelerates the growth  of these cells why proteolytic enzymes  digest the dead cells. So the pancreatic  cells can be rebuilt to produce  quality  insulin while  other organic  natural  food suppliments  without  side effects  control  blood suger and help reverse the obvious  negative  effects  of the  pharmaceutical( drugs). The body having the right tools van now heal itself
And by so doing, open up cell receptors to enable glucose in the bloodstream get to the cells where it is needed thereby reducing the sugar level in the bloodstream, it also helps insulin and pancreas to function better.
 Hence, tired and worn out cells are renewed to help your body generate enough insulin and use it effectively. We usually start with recommending Aloe Vera because recent studies have proven that Aloe Vera helps to maintain healthy blood sugar range within 2 weeks.
 About The Aloe Vera* - Most processed Aloe Vera products out there have lost their medicinal abilities. Always try to get only stabilized Organic Aloe Vera.Cold processed
Once most people stay on organic Aloe Vera and other Immune system trigger nutrients for 30 days, their body begins to restore itself and their blood sugar levels are drastically brought down. Please note this is not  alternative medicine  but complementary medicine. Just food suppliments  without  side effects or drug interaction  which means  you  can  take it  with your pharmaceutical  drugs for a month and you still go back to your doctor to taper down the very dangerous  pharmaceutical  drugs and gradually  eliminate  them
 Followed by a well packed tea with cinnamon, Aloes etc,
A fat burning  food combined  with  Chronium picolate for optimum  insulin  usage and a proprietary  blend of immune boosting nutritive  ingredients
This pack contains  the 5 major Products  pack to completely reverse Diabetes.  A smaller to prevent  is also available
We have seen people whose blood sugar went from 250 mg/dl to 110mg/dl within 7 days.
You will experience something similar too.
 But that is not a passport to you having to indulge in too much sugar and other processed foods with high glycemic index
For safety purposes...Moderation is the name of the game!
 In as much as we are not advocates of "don't eat this and don't eat that" we usually advice diabetics to adopt "Portion Control Method" especially when it comes to the intake of certain starchy foods like white bread, rice, pasta and all processed foods.
 This is very important if you are bent on reversing your diabetes within a short time. This is because even when you eat only healthy of foods, immediately you abuse or over indulge in such foods, it will surely backfire on your health.
Highly Recommended Food Supplements to Correct and PREVENT Diabetes*
*C9 PLUS*..At least every 6months...To detoxify and normalize body metabolism, "squeezing" out fats from the system. Please mode of application of these products.  makes a whole lot of difference. Your results  usually depends on how you use it. So be sure to contact
person who  will happily show you the correct  way  to use  the  products.

*Aloe Vera gel* contains fibroblasts. Contains saponins to prevent ketones bad breath, lignin to Digest dead cells and spring up new ones.

A glucose/natural appetite    controlling nutrient from plant  contains Chromium. This breaks down fat and converts it to energy. That means the excessive glucose in the blood is handled.

*Forever Lean*
Helps block the absorption of Calories from fat and carbohydrate.
Temporarily inhibits the bodys absorption of calories from sugar.

A SPECIAL  INGREDIENT PACK  that cantains ginkgo and other herbs which
 prevents sluggish flow of blood which could lead to crises. Ginkgo ensures blood gets to the cells where glucose is actually needed
 Contains ginseng. Gives Endurance energy so the question of being tired is completely handled.
Encapsulated Garlic and other ingredients*  to Prevent blood clot in the veins and prevent heart disease  common with  Diabetes

 Contains a variety of Vegetables, equally rich in Chromium.

 contains antioxidants, bioflavonoids and other beneficial phytonutrients. It is a Hormone booster.

 provides a perfect balance of Omega-3 fatty acids in a proprietary blend of natural fish oil and calamari oil to eliminate bad cholesterol. Cholesterol increases the risks of Type 2 Diabetes.
Special  cinnamon/blood  sugar control tea

 Immune boost  suppliments
Contains Vitamin C,D and Zinc which helps to strengthen the immune system, fight against free radicals and assists immune cell production.
This is a very brief video presentation about the tea I earlier mention: Aloe Blossom Tea=>
The above supplements are the combinations to do the magic depending on the magnitude or severity of your own situation
So What Should You Eat?  Your diet should compose of a little carbohydrates and enough healthy fats. For carbohydrates, you can take none Genetically  Modified  food...... wheat bread, browen rice (ofada), natural wheat unripe  plantain etc
We shall do  a  personalised meal plan for you depending  on you disposition
For healthy fats, you can take white  meat (chicken,  etc), Eggs, fish, sea foods, vegetables that grow above the ground, nuts and berries
 And finally...
 Naturally, when you adopt and start to practice some of the advice I have given you in this presentation, you will begin to experience a lot of peace and comfort in your body and even drop some unwanted body fat.
 At this point, I usually advice people to begin to exercise.
Your body needs it and lack of it is probably why many folks got diabetes in the first place. But, you don't have to go around lifting heavy weights or running marathons. You can start by just taking a walk within your vicinity for like 10-20 minutes a day.
 I have a dance class every  Saturday  8am to 9am to coach  people  on medically  recommended aerobic  exercise  for fitness, wieght loss and rejuvenation. These are moves that activates  all the cells in the body.  Not stressful  exercises  or gyming
 From there, you can gradually move on to jogging for 10-30 minutes based on your level of fitness. You can also use machines like treadmills or stationary bicycles to excercise.
 Again, you can reverse your type-2 diabetes and be free from the complications it brings along with it without swallowing those dangerous medications anymore.
 Now, as a bonus...*please note that a normalised blood sugar level usually makes you healthier, younger , stronger  and more  shapely  built
At the end of the day, you can only be so sure of one are on your way to reversing that diabetes and experiencing that renewed and revitilised health you've always craved for if you follow the advice in this presentation!
 I want to really advise that we try as much as possible to see how we can gradually discontinue those dangerous drugs

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